Tuesday 17 February 2009

Spies Are Human Too

The function of a news blog is to provide a forum in which a commentator can rant about the difference between their perspective and that of mainstream media. Newsbunny shall fail this remit today.

The day began with the former head of MI5, a British Military Intelligence Service quoted as saying "It would be better that the government recognised that there are risks, rather than frightening people in order to be able to pass laws which restrict civil liberties, precisely one of the objects of terrorism - that we live in fear and under a police state."

Stella Rimmington's stunning outburst, in Spanish newspaper, La Vanguardia, of all places, came a day after publication of a three-year global study by the International Commission of Jurists documented the use of fear to introduce measures inconsistent with established human rights.

In the fifteen minutes that it took for me to get out of the house last Thursday morning, BBC Radio Four's Today programme treated us to the Bishop of Durham defending Darwinianism, a discussion on the limitations of freedom of speech that contained a question on whether incitement to hatred differed from incitement to violence and followed with a general discussion as to culpability of individuals, bankers, regulators and government following the resignation of Sir James Cosby.

Some of may be financially impoverished by the recession, all of us will be enriched by the rebirth of humanism.

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